Why DeFi? 

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“The Market Always Wins!” -Of The Free Market Limited

When we set out on the creation of this project we had an idea that Defi would be a topic of interest. However, as we sought out freedom and opportunity it became apparent just how big of a movement this really was. We found the various ecosystems, the technology and the overall foundation of the space to be rooted in freedom. The market always wins and DeFi shows just how powerful that statement is.

Voluntary Exchange: 

We all want a monetary system that works for all of us. What we have now works, yeah, but wouldn’t it work better if everyone could benefit without the banks taking their cut? With every swipe of a card, with every dollar in our bank accounts, with seemingly every transaction we make… banks get richer. 

With decentralization, your money is yours. Get a cold or non custodial wallet and no one is doing anything with your money in the background. Not only that, but  you get peer to peer transfers of money. Banks don’t get richer when you buy things, your neighbor does. 


If you look at modern banking systems, you won’t find any competition. Central banks are set up in the structure of a cartel. A few independent entities manage monetary policy for governments that they aren’t even a part of. 

Cryptocurrency is the competition to modern banking. In crypto, there’s stacks of competition. Each network brings something unique to the table. If it isn’t exactly unique, it’s something that can arguably be done better. This technological revolution is fueled by those seeking to do things better for all.


The competition within the industry fuels innovation. Developers are always looking to improve things. The industry is endlessly growing as digitization encapsulates every aspect of life. 

Innovators in the space are going to thrive. Even the king of crypto, Bitcoin, needs innovation. Even though it’s the only universally accepted industry standard, we still see developers making improvements to the network to “compete” with other blockchains. Innovation never stops with crypto- there is no status quo in a decentralized network.


Innovation upholds the industry, but not as much as the opportunity offered. Value needs to be brought to the table for those involved. With decentralized systems, community isn’t bound by borders or a particular currency. People get to choose where they see value. A system that has to win the hearts of the people is far better than a system that offers a sub par status quo. 

Opportunity abounds when everyone and anyone can participate in the development and function of the marketplace. This technology takes the power from a centralized entity and gives it to anyone who is willing to contribute to the success of the project. The crypto market was built on and survives by opportunity.

Decentralized Markets Are Free Markets

Innovation, competition, voluntary exchange and opportunity on display. It’s the modern day embodiment of all things that make up free markets. The values and virtues of DeFi are one and the same as those of a free market. 

The market ALWAYS wins.

a laptop displaying a graph beside a commemorative coin
Photo by adrian vieriu on Pexels.com

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