What Is Freedom?

“Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.” ― Bob Marley

Individual Freedom// Iwo Jima
Raising the flag at Iwo Jima

Freedom means something slightly different to everyone. Freedom is by definition many things, but the one definition that sticks out most to us is: “absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.” We chose this definition because it really hits at the core of what OTFM is about: freedom for the individual in the market and economy. I see and I think most people can agree that modern governments are becoming more and more tyrannical. Governments seem to have control and power agendas as their core missions as opposed to “being for the people by the people.”

As we see this threat of government overreach becoming more real every passing day, across the globe, we are more encouraged and fired up to inspire and be the change, and to provoke the thoughts of our audience. Our freedom is fragile and must be fought for. A free people is a responsible and moral people; meaning that we each have a responsibility to take into consideration the freedoms that we have rights to, and to uphold the value and virtues of those rights and principles.

Exposing the awesomeness of this freedom is our core mission here. We want every person to be able to make choices without fear of oppression, or being singled out for making an individual choice. Within each individual lies the power and opportunity to innovate, create, compete and to choose freely the path of their lives. No person should direct another’s footsteps, especially when that person is in a position of power. So let us all reflect on our freedoms: the ones we have and enjoy and the ones that have been tampered with or defiled.

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