Welcome Back!

“Enduring, or carrying on, is not just a matter of tolerating circumstances and hanging in there,but of pressing forward.” -Marvin J. Ashton


Welcome Back! Finally! We are live once again, now with an upgraded look and feel to the website and it’s navigation. It’s been a challenging and thought-filled process getting the site revamped, mixed with the task of brainstorming  and evaluating our content and what that will consist of moving forward. We have many changes that have come and are soon to be coming. 

We left off talking about dAPPs, cold wallets and other topics related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology on our blog, now titled: Free Market Insights, and we intend to continue our elaboration on such topics. However, we thought it well to expand our blog and podcast content topics outside of the thematic form which they’ve been taking. Sure, a theme will show up here and there, but the free market is broad and sporadic in nature, with a general sense of organization mixed in there, so our content ought to follow suit. So be looking out for some more free market inspired content, taking on the many forms it does.

We are proud to introduce the new Free Market Connections page: this is the place where we seek to form relationships with small businesses, entrepreneurs, investors and other free market enthusiasts. Here you can find businesses you and us and support and why, as well as build support and relationships for your very own business, service, craft or trade. You can check out our updated social media (Twitter or Insta), and are always welcome to write us an email to connect with us. 

We’re also introducing another new page: Free Market Inspiration. Here, we will take dives into various examples of free market principles from throughout history. These stories, quotes and pieces  are meant to inspire thought and action to better our marketplace, whether the content is positive or negative. We hope you will enjoy this new addition and we appreciate any ideas or comments!  

We hope you all enjoy the changes and we hope you join us as the site will continue to expand. Please reach out to us and leave us a comment in our new comment section, share our posts with our new share button and thank you all for your patience and we thank you for reading. We’ll jump around from broad overviews of current, future or past events, innovations and free market factors or values, into specific and detailed write ups about the same. We’ll have new podcast episodes coming out within the next few weeks as well! Again, welcome back, and look out for more on OTFM and join us as we all press forward! 

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