Gary Vee says it best; “You have to love the process, not the success.” These words are so true, especially when so many of us start businesses expecting positive results overnight. Success doesn’t happen 99% of the time overnight, and then one day you become an overnight success (pun intended). The truth is we all want the rewards, and we don’t always want to put in the effort even if we know exactly what to do and how to get there.
The process we are learning is the best part! Taking new risks, trying new things, and finding a passion we didn’t know existed are part of that process. Building relationships, forming networks, and connections we would have never known possible without pursuing the processes of micro-entrepreneurship. As we grow, which we will, we are learning more and more every day, that the pursuit of knowledge, of growth and of taking on new challenges is so full of amazing experiences and results.
As we continue to pursue the process, we are going to have new ventures, new content to provide, and new relationships to build on and expand our network, and soon enough we will get to make the real impacts we want to make. We will get to see the results we were aiming for, but by the time we get there we will be figuring out what will be next. Life is full of opportunity as we continue to repeat for good reason. The process is here, its now, it was yesterday, and we will be working on tomorrow’s process as soon as my morning alarm goes off. The process doesn’t take a day off, and this is what my mind set is Investing All The Time, in everything we do all the time, trust the process.