Hindsight is 20/20 and it’s 2022
The most fertile source of insight is hindsight. -Morris Kline. 2022 is full of so much more opportunity than the two years combined.
The Market Always Wins
The most fertile source of insight is hindsight. -Morris Kline. 2022 is full of so much more opportunity than the two years combined.
Another OG in the blockchain gaming metaverse that deserves recognition: The Sandbox. Since their start in 2012, they’ve become well established as a gaming network.
Small businesses have a heavy competition load in today’s highly competitive market space. So what makes small businesses succeed today?
Axie Infinity is a digital universe with its own community and user-owned and operated economy; the pillars on which this network was built.
The digital world is taking people by storm. Properties on games selling for millions of real dollars. The NFT movement continues to illustrate the value of digital assets.
“The virtual world will open thousands of new opportunities for this new generation” ― Anuj Jasani
From its introduction to the world only a couple years ago to the present day, the coronavirus has seated itself in the history books.
When inflation occurs and the value of a currency goes down, how can we protect our money and maintain its buying power?
They stretch further than pieces of digital art. NFTs change the way we see value and keep property secure and in the hands of its owner.
The consequences of debt spending for the U.S Government has led to the least valuable dollar we have ever seen. We haven’t seen prices rise this fast in 30 years.
Gratitude and stewardship go hand in hand. What we choose to do with the opportunities given to us today, will have an impact on our future.
Many things can occupy our minds throughout the day, and the culmination of those thoughts can sway the direction of the day.
The internet has changed every business, big and small forever! The innovations of this technology have been long and distinguished, but Web 2 has only been the beginning…
This technology has already helped to open the eyes of millions around the world to freedom and liberty in everyday commerce.
“If you are an artist and still don’t use NFT (Non-Fungible Token), you are potentially missing millions of dollars.” -Olawale Daniel