Square One.

“You have to start somewhere, sometimes you have to start over.” -CMH

Source: Nityazz. “Update arrow icon Return icon arrows icon.” CleanPNG

All too often we get caught up in self doubt, and become discouraged about a project we were working on. We give up easy, worry about what others will think, and feel a large sense of embarrassment and fear of failure. Failure is a beautiful thing, it means that you have taken a shot and you have tried. You may miss the mark the first few times, but at least you are trying at that point. I am writing this because I have been having doubts about how this is going to go, I’m worried people won’t like the content, or will hate us because we are posting something very controversial. I have realized that the uncomfortable conversations need to be there because at the end of the day We The People are losing our voice, and losing our power to a system that is ridden with cronyism, and run by corporate greed. Free Markets work, but when so few can control and dictate to the masses what they must do and think for years without change, that is not a Free Market. People say the system is broken and socialism is the answer, but that’s already here. Socialism is here, and it’s not working. We need to take a stand, and everyday this year we are going to make sure to take that shot so that freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and voluntary exchange can help shape a better future. We want to inspire and challenge all to continue or start pursuing the things that you can freely choose to do to make this world a better place.  We look forward to this journey with you all. 

We had to move everything so bare with us during this transition.

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