Responsible Investing

Responsible Investing

“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility of our future.” – George Bernard Shaw

Over the past couple weeks, investing has been the key term. Caleb has done a great job expounding on the concept of investing on the NightCap: focusing the lens on our time, thoughts, attitude, and energy rather than our money. As this series is mostly audio, it is only appropriate that I throw some words to paper to add my two cents on the matter.

When it comes to investing, and freedom, there is a form of responsibility within. The reason we put time into this project is because we want to promote responsible freedom. A freedom that will carry on and stand strong. When greed, laziness, hatred and glutton seep into anything, the outcome is seldom satisfactory. 

Responsibly Investing
The Steps We Must Take

How Does One Practice Responsible Investing?

Responsibility goes deeper than having to provide or uphold. Responsibility takes knowledge, love and strength. Knowledge to make proper judgement. Love to guide all things towards the greater good. Strength to stand in times of adversity. 

Responsible investment is being diligent to make sure your investments are going to what is good, beneficial and worthwhile. Most any investment can bring some sort of gain, but what exactly are we supporting? Responsible investing looks farther than one’s own portfolio and to the grand scheme of things.

Are we supporting corporate greed or our neighbor with a small business? Is it our own portfolio or life where we care to see growth? Do we care to even think about where our money goes after we’ve handed it over? Sure, there may be benefits to some, if not many with a carelessly spent dollar. However, can we be sure that our investment is really in something that is good to the farthest extent? Well, since we’re all human, there will be flaws somewhere down the line, but if we are to uphold a free society that values all lives, we must do our part to see the vision through.

As Michael Jackson sang, “If you wanna make the world a better place. Take a look at yourself and then make a change!” It’s in the big things, as well as the little. Even the things you listen to can make a world of difference.

Time, Thought and Energy

The main focus of Caleb’s NightCap series, it’s important that we invest  our time, thoughts and energy appropriately. We can build up, tear down, or we can remain stagnant- although stagnation is often something that hinders growth rather than produces it. When someone makes us mad, for example, we can attempt to understand what about them made us mad; why they did it and why we reacted the way we did. Or we can return an eye for an eye, turning the gun on them, making them upset in a fury of anger. The stagnant one in this wouldn’t address anything, just remain angry and maybe call the other an a**hole, justifying that that’s just how it goes. The first option causes us to think outside the lens of comfort, it brings conviction, understanding and growth overall. The second causes more pain, and strife for both parties. The third only lets the sub-par and fallen world continue on in said fashion.

Responsible Investing
Give and Receive

Business, Money and Crypto

In most everything we have posted here or on the podcast in regards to investing, we try to emphasize that research is important. We insist that we know what we’re invested in. Crypto or stocks, that money is going to some sort of project (crypto right now at least, being in the beginning phases). What are we giving our money to? Not every dollar invested gets a transparent ‘what this is for’ receipt, so it’s our duty to research the company or project you are supporting.

Are we supporting corporate greed or our neighbor with a small business? Is it our own portfolio or life where we care to see growth? Do we care to even think about where our money goes after we’ve handed it over? Sure, there may be benefits to some, if not many with a carelessly spent dollar. However, can we be sure that our investment is really in something that is good to the farthest extent? Well, since we’re all human, there will be flaws somewhere down the line, but if we are to uphold a free society that values all lives, we must do our part to see the vision through. 

It is our hope that we would look past the luxuries of modern convenience. The comfort of first world living comes at great cost. To the environment, people in developing countries, to the moral outlook of society. Everything and everyone impacts another in some sort of direct or indirect manner. We ought to look at the things our favorite businesses and brands support or are at odds with.

The Choice Is Yours…

Though I may be an alchemist, seeing the silver lining in all things, there are definitely the good, bad, best and better options in most decisions that cross our path. Let us take them into consideration when we wake up, and carry on second by second. Every step brings opportunity for growth and life, as well as declination and death. Which will we feed? May we invest not with our own gain in mind, but the gain of the whole. Responsible investing is something that should be standard practice.

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