Perspective And Community.

perspective and community

“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.” -George Carlin

Perspective and Community
All the Pieces

Community is the foundation for any economy (outside of the individuals which make it up). As people, it’s natural for us to come together to seek and offer help. We stick together because of the simple benefits: when there are more brains and muscles all working towards a common goal, more things happen, especially growth and production. Community is where we find purpose and support in the lives we lead. Being around others offers a variety perspective, as we all are unique in our worldview and experience to some degree. 

When our own perspective is challenged, I often wonder if one might shy away or scoff at the challenge or allow it to bring about growth, connection and understanding. When the latter is the choice of the individual, great things happen as we’ve seen throughout time in the innovative sphere of humanity. The more people intermingle, the more the amount and variety of deeds and tasks; The more people have to do, the more we will seek to make these processes more efficient. We will always seek for the easiest way, and always to do more things. Thoughts are challenged and perspectives are shattered when either a spoken word or a difficult task forces us to see the world differently, but those thoughts and perspectives can, have and will turn into some of the most unique and abundant innovations we have today.

Perspective is key, community is important for perspective. Different viewpoints are a natural part of being a free individual. We must embrace our differences and learn what we can from one another so that we can all cohabitate in a world that accepts everyone no matter their background, views, or ideals. Free markets are for all to enjoy their individual freedoms free of retaliation! May we always seek to enhance our perspective and community.

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