Opportunity In The Midst of Chaos 

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” -Sun Tzu

In the midst of this chaotic and ever evolving economy,  it’s easy to focus on the negative. We can look at the overwhelming inflation and rising prices everywhere we look, or the innovative movements that breeze past our view because it’s all happening so fast. Either way it may seem like there’s no opportunity or hope to get ahead until things settle down. But will the dust ever settle?

Economic Shift

The economy doesn’t seem to make sense… or does it? As it was mentioned to me before, there’s a dichotomy in the economic structure. It was mentioned to me in the context of Bitcoin/ Crypto vs the current Fiat/ Forex economic structure- but it dawned on me that it’s so much more than that. This is a wave of growth from the new wave of things against the old way of doing things. The market and it’s opportunities are showing, and it’s always the winner.

As time moves on it seems that political and economic chaos only grows worse, and technological advancement only goes in the upward direction. What’s an average Joe to do? Well if you’re going to look at anything, look at the advancements being made, and don’t stop there. The market has demanded decentralization and a fair share to be given to the everyday consumer, the individual and small businesses. Opportunity is everywhere, Now more than ever.

Opportunity Abounds

We can’t let the changing times rattle us- whether they’re heading up or down. Right now things are going in both directions. The upside is that opportunity in creation, innovation and individual freedom  can be grasped by any individual willing to put in the effort and read between the lines. We have a choice whenever faced with hardship: let the moment seize us, or seize the moment. In the modern day, it’s easier than ever to choose the latter- no matter our budget, no matter our profession. Opportunity ABOUNDS. Go get what’s yours.

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