Making a Record Year.

2024 has begun in a shaky, and explosive way. We are starting off marking a record year. The record amount of conflict, record amount of Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency holders, a record amount of consumer debt has proven to be one for the books already and January isn’t even over. As we end the first month of the year do not forget your goals, and know this is the peoples year!

We are going to make it a record year here at Of The Free Market. Creating an audience, doing the things, and exploring new income and debt consolidation has been very challenging to say the least. The thing that keeps playing over, over in my head is two things really; Love the process courtesy of Gary Vee, and Having a Record Year by Eric Church. We have been steady learning, and though the results aren’t tangible yet I am loving the process. 

Eric’s Song is about heartbreak, and his traversing of it through falling back in love with the music that inspired him. I think 2023 was a great year, but I didn’t hit all my goals and that kind of breaks my heart. It has broken my heart so much so, I’m back to the drawing board sitting here enjoying a bourbon steady learning how to turn this all around and truly have a record year for more than myself this year. Look at your Why on the last weekend of the year, and let’s make this year THE YEAR.

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