Freedom Isn’t Free


“Freedom, in any case, is only possible by constantly struggling for it.” -Albert Einstein

The title speaks for itself in this post. Freedom isn’t free. It comes with a cost. A very weighted cost. Whether it be in regards to the lives lost in wars fought for the sake of liberty, or the risks and sacrifices made by some to pursue a life where opportunity and prosperity abound. It’s the unfortunate truth that we must fight to, in some cases “gain”, and especially, in all cases, sustain our freedoms.

Every day, there are innumerable amounts of people migrating across deserts, seas, rivers, mountains. They risk various harsh conditions on their journey to flee oppression, war, famine, classism, etc., all in pursuit of something better, safer and more prosperous. It’s estimated that already in 2021, more than 170,000 recorded migrants have crossed the border illegally from the southern border; Nearly doubling from 90,000 in January. In 2015, Europe saw the start of a migration crisis which is still being dealt with to this day, when more than a million people came across EU borders by land and sea. Whether it be escaping war and oppression, or simply just for the sake of pursuing more economic opportunity and growth, people literally die to see a developed world where opportunity and freedom abound. 

Freedom Isn't Free
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Throughout the course of time, countless men and women have faced the dark consequences of war. Revolting against an evil power that be, or defending against said power coming to rise. Lives are the cost of pursuing and defending freedom, unfortunately. An estimated 70+ Thousand died as a result of the American Revolution, nearly 700,000 Americans dying in battle since. WWII took out roughly 3 percent of the world’s population with a global death toll of 70-80 million. Memorial day is a day to remember that our freedoms did come with a cost, and we have a responsibility to uphold what these men and women died for. As time marches on, more and more lives are being drastically and uncomfortably changed, or even lost in the pursuit and upholding of freedom. Although it’s not always easy to agree with the circumstances of war or change, it’s always important to value the lives which are lost fighting for what is right. Battles still rage on across the globe in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Oppression is still being fled from. Opportunity for change is still being sought out. People lose their lives, suffer injustices, or are placed in custody and are even disappearing over the religious freedom we all so often take for granted here in the States. People die trying to bring reform to those places. Lives are lost every day on the path to freedom for all sorts of different reasons. Freedom comes at a cost, at the individual and societal levels alike. When we think of those who sacrifice everything for a better life for themselves and their family and future generations, it’s easy to say that Freedom, most certainly, is NOT free.

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