Freedom And Responsibility

Freedom And Responsibility 2

“America’s greatness has been the greatness of a free people who shared certain moral commitments. Freedom without moral commitment is aimless and promptly self-destructive.” -John W. Gardner

Freedom And Responsibility

Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. When one is free, and plays role in the grand scheme of a larger group of free people, one must continue to cherish, observe, and utilize the freedoms which have been given them. One’s rights must not be infringed upon. It’s our responsibility as individuals to know the God given freedoms we hold. It is also proper that we monitor the tampering of said freedoms in our own lives or anyone else’s.

Freedom must be fought for, and we’ve seen that to be true throughout the course of mankind. Greed, pride and tyranny have always been an obstacle for any nation or society. When any entity has too much power, the individual always suffers some sort of loss, as those in control seek to take all the cake for themselves. Freedom starts within the individual. As we’ve said before, freedom is unique to all. So it is very important that we work to uphold the foundational values of freedom, and that we work to bring these values to all peoples.

It’s our duty to respect our fellow man, to see them as an individual with the same God given right to live freely on their journey of pursuing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As we get back into the groove of posting and writing, we want to reiterate the importance of fighting to be free. The little things matter, and we ought to act in well-doing and call out corruption when it surfaces. When any right is (even slightly) taken away from one, the dominoes just keep falling.

Thanks for the read and please like, share and check us out this weekend for more! Let’s walk in freedom proudly holding this responsibility to uphold it.

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