Opportunity Created Through Adversity

Opportunity Through Adversity

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” -Warren Buffett

Opportunity Through Adversity
In Our Hands

Opportunity, specifically economic opportunity leads to  more trees being available to enjoy shade under for generations. Individuals have the power in economies that encourage private ownership of free enterprise, encourage competition, and keep markets open. When the Government becomes involved in private markets it leads to monopolies and impoverishes the mass of the economy.  

  Economic freedom leads to successful economic growth. When efficiently regulated markets exist individuals can write their own story. Open markets lead to mass innovation, and lower poverty levels. Individuals make lasting impacts on society as a whole and future generations are free to flip the exact same industries thanks to freedom to innovate. 

 Markets that are regulated lead to market stagnation and little to no innovation. When governments involve themselves markets close up, and economic movement between classes becomes more non existent, as government suffocates market spaces with over regulation.

  Regulated markets do not allow for individuals to build doors to the extent an open and free market does. Free markets have historically lifted more people out of poverty than any other type of economy. They have especially out paced more centralized governments where  there is less economic opportunity, and higher poverty rates. 

 When you look at the facts, the more open the markets are, the better for everyone. Markets that are more closed choose success of a few over the success of the masses. We ask you to choose freedom and reach out to us! More socials coming soon. Cheers!

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