DeFi: Coinbase Making Moves

Coinbase MM

“Reminder about how Coinbase lists assets: our goal is to list *every* asset where it is legal to do so.” -Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) June 28, 2021

It’s been a hot second since we’ve posted about DeFi and the buzz surrounding it. Crypto, NFTs, mining and decentralized blockchain tech have the attention of individuals and federal governments alike. Today we highlight a company with one of the largest presence of any crypto exchange, and being the only to be publicly traded as a crypto medium: COIN, or Coinbase.

Coinbase Everywhere
Continuing The Upward Trends

Since their IPO in April of 2021, and even before, Coinbase has been a driving force in innovation, opportunity and growth for decentralized finance. Their user-friendly exchange and wallet have drawn crypto traders, experienced and noob alike, to an easy to navigate environment; topping Apple’s App Store as the most popular app shortly after their IPO. Constantly seeking to improve; adding coin after coin, offering opportunity to learn and earn, as well as making use of different dApps to help their users gain more; they seek to keep the momentum. 

The Vision for The Future

Appropriate to the evolution and growing stages of DeFi and crypto, Coinbase is now looking to help users and producers access and create dApps on a decentralized app store. The vision is to have an app store that makes it easy for users to participate in all the benefits of decentralized technology through the dApps that exist now and in the future, as there are many more expected.

 NFTs and smart contracts, amongst other decentralized services and uses, are becoming more popular and applicable day by day. This is noticed greatly by CEO Brian Armstrong. He sees the potential for DeFi and wants to make the company a leading figure, as if it wasn’t already. Aside from the app store, Coinbase also seeks international presence, seeking to create and use technologies that promote and help people all over the world gain access to Coinbase. Not only that, there are talks of adding protocols faster than they already do, always leaving room for growth. 

The Man Himself
Well On Their Way

There is a fiery love for crypto and decentralized finance that is easily seen in the drive of this company. Moves are being made and they’re working to make the gift of blockchain tech more easily and abundantly accessible by anyone anywhere. Their ambitions are high, but within reach. Coinbase is definitely going places and I wouldn’t recommend falling behind on anything going on in this economic revolution- it’s moving fast. Stay ahead of the DeFi game like Coinbase. 

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