“Today is yesterday’s effect and tomorrow’s cause.” – Phillip Gribble
Voluntary exchange is the cause, innovation and competition are the effects. This mutually beneficial transaction leads to more transactions, because there is more trust in the market space. When we think of all the technology we have today; our computers, phones, appliances, even back to wheel technology, do we think of how far our technology and practices have come from where they’ve started? Most everything we use in our daily lives, both simple and complex are a result of generations of folks competing to innovate. When creators strive for the best they are able to create the best product, service, or system for their consumers. When people have a choice over where they can get their services and goods from, then the producer will always have to adapt. This creates an environment of growth and improvement which ultimately benefits consumers. The powers of cause and effect lie in the hand of the individual. We all must take action to challenge businesses to preform better for all to benefit.