Lessons From The Great Depression
As economic fears grow in suspicion of a possible recession, we take a look back at one of the most devastating economic experiences industrialization has ever known: The Great Depression.
The Market Always Wins
Perspective from throughout the ages. Insight into how free market values were influenced, shaped, applied or neglected in times past.
As economic fears grow in suspicion of a possible recession, we take a look back at one of the most devastating economic experiences industrialization has ever known: The Great Depression.
The world economy is in dire need of a reset. Age old institutions, and status quos have been propped up by unnecessary intervention and bailouts for too long.
“The power to tax involves the power to destroy . . . “ -Former Chief Justice John Marshall, in McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 4 Wheat. 316 316 (1819)
Freedom isn’t free. It comes with a cost. A very weighted cost. Whether the lives lost in wars, or risks and sacrifices made to pursue a life where opportunity and prosperity abound.
We must build a habit of appreciating the people who have sacrificed so much for a cause greater than themselves. Appreciation goes far beyond remembrance and being thankful for their sacrifice and the outcome of it.
Thinking of investing in gold, silver or perhaps another precious metal in 2021? Perhaps, the fact that your money is worth more than eight times less than it was in 1966, may cement your decision.
US coinage still is bereft of precious metal. And, still, the only thing backing it is “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.”
Inflation a market phenomena every economic system has. Inflation causes a general increase in prices and a fall in purchasing value of money.
Freedom means something slightly different to everyone. Freedom is by definition many things, but the one definition that sticks out most to us is: “absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.”
Hong Kong is an amazing success story of free market principles and practices. This free market accomplished massive technological, educational, and financial strides.