Be Open, Be Ready. 

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” – George Bernard Shaw

You never know what lies around the corner. It’s important for anyone to be ready for any situation that may come our way. However, readiness doesn’t always depend upon prior preparation… It depends on openness.

I once read that to be able to fit all the things we both know and don’t know in the same environment, we need to be an open vessel (paraphrasing, of course). Life is full of opportunities to grow, to refine, to plan, to reflect, to learn, to teach, to listen, to speak, to change or to stay the same. We can be prepared to do anything in any situation, but it’s not so easy when life throws a curveball your way. 

If the 2020s have taught us anything, it’s that you never know what life will throw at you. We all had great plans for the ‘year of vision’ in 2020, which seemed to be the year that set the standard for the decade thus far. What matters isn’t how we thought we’d be spending our time, but how we did and will spend our time. If we aren’t open to the change or adversity that strikes unexpectedly, we become closed off to anything good that might arise through it all.

I’m not saying to just go with the flow. That’s not it at all. As they say: dead fish go with the flow. What I am saying is to keep your eye on the prize, expect the unexpected and embrace it with open arms. Don’t let life just happen to you, happen to life. Dance with it. This is your show. You never know what’s gonna happen. You can be certain of this though: you are in control of the end result.

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