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Here at OTFM, our goal is to shine a light upon free market principles and provide useful information, resources and thought provoking content. Our content consists of insightful blog posts, the  OTFM Podcast, past, present, and future examples of innovation and competition in the free market, and examples of how the principles behind the free market have helped humanity press forward.

Please visit our free philosophy page for a more elaborated overview of our love for the free market!

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Check out our thoughts on Free Market action and concepts in contemporary format. Here you’ll find insightful blog posts about innovative competition, investment opportunity, technology, values and virtues of free market practice and so much more!

Free Market Inspiration

Free Market Philosophy , Values, Stories, Influencers, Innovators, Competitors and Examples From Throughout The Ages.


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This is where you will find our Free Market Connections which consist of all kinds of small businesses and information on different and unique investment platforms. Your choices make the market better, so please give us feedback!



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We are exicted to roll out products that represent the ofthefreemarket.com vision and mindset. Security, Self Reliance, Health, and Positivty! Never forget The Market Wins!


We are not financial advisors. We are not journalists. We are informed enthusiasts , who encourage our audience to do their own research and form their own educated opinion on any topic we discuss in any of our content. We DO NOT intend to propagate, incite or produce hate, harm or violence in any manner to any individual or group. We support life, liberty and equal opportunity for all! All of our economic, political, investment and various other opinions are our personal opinions and investment tactics. Our content is original and informed by the linked sources, as well as various other unmentioned sources and personal research. Invest at your own risk. Be informed on all our content and any others which you consume elsewhere. Please be smart and make informed decisions on your investment and day to day choices. Thank you.