Managing Chaos: Self Ownership

“If you are an adult, you are responsible for your life and well-being. No one owes you the fulfillment of your needs or wants; no one is here on earth to serve you. If you respect the principle of self-ownership, you understand that no one else owns you and that you do not own anyone else. Only on this understanding can there be peace on earth and good will among human beings.” Nathaniel Branden

Caleb touched on the subject of uncertainty in yesterday’s post. He mentioned the major areas where there’s a collective sense of uncertainty in the current socio-economic atmosphere. Economic and political tensions, AI and a changing outlook on future industry and commerce, health and wellness is a concern for all of us; especially with all the knowledge we have on how we’ve been deceived as to how undeniably corrupt and unhealthy the food and drug industries are. We’ve all been affected in at least one of these areas. We are now faced with the changing environment and what we as individuals can do to adapt and overcome where we’re facing adversity.

So what can we do? Caleb did an excellent job of not only noting these challenges, but putting a hopeful outlook on how these things can be positively perceived and dealt with moving forward, if they aren’t already (they are- the status quo is changing!). Nothing is the end of the world. Nothing even needs to be complained about. As long as we take ownership over our own lives and help our neighbors to do the same, we can overcome any obstacle. 

Knowledge Is Power

One of the best things we can do is gather knowledge. Educate ourselves on the issues that we face. Learn about what’s going on in the world!

The amount of resources we have to learn only continue to grow and become less biased and more user friendly. Knowledge exists in abundance- they don’t call this the age of information just because there’s a lot to know, it’s because there’s a lot we CAN know. It’s all at our fingertips. Whether it’s learning about new technology, who we’re voting for or what’s going on in the world, or even ways to stay healthy or live a healthier life. There is absolutely no excuse to live blindly anymore.

Capitalize and Invest

Once we have some knowledge, it’s time to capitalize. It’s time to take action. It’s time to invest! 

Sure, invest your money- plenty of opportunities to do that. I am, however, talking about investing not only your money, but your time, your resources, your energy and your knowledge. If you know what’s going on, you can make things work for you. 

The pessimist would gather from the list of today’s issues that things are working against them. “The government and the economy is corrupt, chaotic and hard to understand.” “AI is going to steal my job.” “There is a health crisis and the system is made to keep us unhealthy.” Although these statements may be true, there’s no reason to let them get the best of you. Opportunity to capitalize is at hand. Take action! These statements can just as easily be “Things are shifting in the bigger picture and people are waking up to the broken system.” “I can utilize or invest in AI to be prepared for the future.” and “There is a shift in society where unhealthy food standards and drug epidemics are no longer going to fly with the majority of people.” 

Knowledge is power, but only when you can capitalize on it.

Take Care of Yourself

The most important thing you can do through all of this is to take care of yourself. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos or in the hustle and bustle of trying to stay afloat. There’s a lot going on. A lot to learn. A lot to do. Don’t lose focus of what really matters through all of this. At the end of the day, the world will carry on. Make the most of your life. Take care of you and your own. Enjoy it. Spend time with your loved ones and soak in the bliss that we’re all blessed with. 

If we fail to enjoy the blessings, then what are we fighting for? We need to be prepared and to deal with adversity wisely and properly, yes. However if we get consumed in the things of this world we will only blind ourselves to the things that make it all worth the struggle. Stay healthy, stay alert, keep moving forward.

We Got This

With all that being said, we got this! There’s always going to be challenges to overcome. Uncertainty lies in each new day. That’s just the way of life. It’s how we grow. It’s how we learn. It’s how we thrive. Let’s make the most of the present time and the present moment. We were made for the days in which we occupy this space in time. LFG! 

Moving forward, we want to emphasize the importance of living a lifestyle that pursues and values freedom and opportunity. Freedom comes with a personal responsibility for us all: self ownership. We manage chaos through self ownership. We thrive collectively when all of us live the best lives we possibly can. If we all do our best and take care of our own affairs, while helping one another to do the same, we all move onward and get ahead.

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